The River Euphrates

Stuck here out of gas... out here on the gaza Strip

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Choose Your Party Wisely

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


I was not actively involved in political discussion for the most part, up until the 2000 election. I didn't actually register to vote until the 2004 election, and when the registration asked for my party affiliation I immediately chose 'Independent' due to my long held belief that neither the Democrats or the Republicans deserved my allegiance. I will most likely continue to remain registered as an Independent barring some major changes within these parties. I tend to lean towards the left on most political issues, and I am proud to say that I voted for John Kerry in the 2004 election, and would do so again today if given the chance.

I was not an Al Gore supporter, mainly due to his wife's work with the PMRC, and at the time I saw Al Gore as just being a continuation of Bill Clinton, (mostly through the hard work of a Republican run congress, as well as the media and their audiences unhealthy obsession with his cock). Dubya on the other hand immediately struck me as the typical rich frat-daddy, with his fake Texas swagger--despite being born, raised, and 'edumacated' in the North.

When Dubya first took office, I thought that there might be a chance that at least he would be bringing some intelligent people with him. Unfortunately, it turned out that all he brought was crony sycophants, PNAC agenda driven think-tank wonks, and subservient yes-men from his fathers administration. With control of the white house, the congress, and house of representatives, the Dubya administration would have the ability to get a lot of things done without the cock-blocking that Clinton faced at every turn. They definitely seized on this opportunity, but instead of bringing forth any initiatives that would solve the multitude of problems facing this country, Dubya--and others in his administration used it to enact their wet dreams of attacking Iraq, using 9/11 as the 'catalyzing event' that they needed to go to war.

It is unthinkable to me that anyone can still support the Dubya administration, with their boldface lies, blatant misinformation, and transparent agenda. I understand that staunch Republicans don't want to flip to 'the other side' due to their belief that Liberals have hijacked the Democratic party. What they seem completely oblivious to, is that their own party has been hijacked by Zionists, the PNAC, the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as a wide variety of lobbying groups, fundamentalist assholes, and corporate criminals.

One of my friends recently told me why he chose to be a Democrat. His main reason (among others) is that he was raised in a single-parent household, and that without social programs initiated by Democrats, his mother would not have been able to afford to make ends meet. His success later in life is mostly attributable to his own hard work, combined with federal student loans (another Democratic initiative) through which he was able to fund his education, which has allowed him to make a decent living for himself and his family. The attempts by Republicans to gut these social programs will affect more than those 'loafers' on welfare, which there are doubtless many of, but also those who the programs were intended to help.

It is obvious that the playing field is far from level, and to embrace the ideal that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in America is not only naive, it is patently ignorant. There are millions of Americans who work hard their entire lives, and because of their social status or background, never reach the point where they are financially independent, or even secure. Dick Cheney gave a speech yesterday where he chastised Americans for not saving enough money--where to begin with the hypocrisy of a rich, powerful asshole telling average Americans that they don't save enough money?

In short, choosing a party, or choosing not to choose a party should be a decision that every individual takes seriously. I plan to vote a straight Democratic ticket in the 2006 midterm elections, and I would urge every American who is tired of watching Dubya & Co. make a mockery of this great country to do the same. With hard work, and a little luck, we might be able to flip on our TV's this fall and see Dubya, Cheney, Rummy, Condi, Rove, and the rest of these useless fucktards frogmarched out of the White House in shackles.

Next Time: Building a Religion

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The War on Drugs & The Prison System

"Despite spending more than $45 billion over the past 25 years and increasing the numbers of people imprisoned for drug offences more than tenfold, the federal strategy has failed to curb drug use. Drugs are cheaper and easier to get than ever"

--The King County Bar Association

For over 25 years, there has been an ongoing "war on drugs" being waged in America. Like most 'feel good' government initiatives, it is backed by people who are blind to the real problems facing this country. It is a simple matter of supply and demand. As long as there is a demand for illicit narcotics, there will be a supply. Until someone is willing to speak up and identify the real problem, it will continue unchecked. Throwing money at a problem, and claiming moral victory without this vital step will always end in failure.

According to the State Department's annual drug-trafficking report, a federal law took effect in 1985 authorizing the United States to penalize countries that do not control illicit narcotics production. While it would seem like this would be a rational solution to the problem, the actual effect has been that these same countries are now producing larger quantities of heroin, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs. In Afghanistan, for example, more than three years after installing a pro-U.S. government, opium poppy production continues unchecked.

Colombia is the source of more than 90 percent of the cocaine and 50 percent of the heroin entering the United States. Mexico is also a major producer of heroin, as well as methamphetamine and marijuana. Despite the continued efforts by the DEA to stop the smuggling of drugs into the country, they cannot compete with the drug cartels, which have almost bottomless funds. Whenever a major shipment of drugs are seized, it is gauranteed that there are dozens of other shipments that slip through unnoticed. The power that these drug cartels have can be traced directly to the laws in the US that make drugs illegal. This, combined with corruption of government officials, gaurantees a steady flow of drugs into the US.

The only viable solution that has been put on the table would be the legalization of drugs. This would not only dry up the cartel's funds, but would also free up vast amounts of cash that could be used for other law enforcement needs, as well as treatment and research into solving the problem of drug addiction. Instead of throwing away money on an unwinnable 'war'.

The main argument that is used against the idea of legalization of drugs is that it would be the same as saying that 'drugs are okay'. These people are not thinking realisticly, because making something legal, does not automatically make it okay. Alcohol and tobacco* are legal (*largely through the efforts of tobacco lobbyists), and yet they are to blame for a variety of social, health related, and other problems. What the proponents of drug legalization are really proposing is the decriminilization of drugs.

The prison overpopulation problem in this country has long been ignored, and will not go away without major efforts to get at the root of the problem. Besides drug offenses, a vast amount of violent and non-violent crime is related to drug addiction, and the direct result of the supply and demand issue that I discussed above. After legalizing drugs, release all first time non-violent drug offenders, and you have solved your prison overpopulation problem. Take the money being wasted on this sham 'war on drugs' and build rehabilitation centers and research facilities for finding ways of helping people with their addictions. In short, treat them like the sick people that they are, instead of making them into criminals.

Next Time: Choose Your Party Wisely

Full Blown Crisis Mode

"Every gun that is fired, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

--Dwight Eisenhower, 1953

Unless you believe the carefully spun stories being issued by the Bu$h administration, there are some serious problems facing America right now. We are shouldering the majority of the cost of a war that has no end in sight, most of which is being borrowed from foreign countries such as China. The massive debt that they have accrued will have to be repaid, with interest, and is being placed squarely on the shoulders of tax paying Americans, their children, and their childrens children. Now the very same administration who made its case for war based on evidence that they now admit to being incorrect and misleading will tell you that we are making progress in Iraq, and that it will take time for the Iraqis to be able to maintain their own security (which will also put them in control of an army that the US will most likely end up having to fight again at some point). Apparently they think that 'democratic' elections will be able to replace potable water as a source of sustenence in that war torn region. The US needs to cut its losses now, leave Iraq, and any future money that is put into Iraq needs to be in the form of aid and reparations.

The average person in American today cannot deal with spiralling health care costs. Insurance companies, along with pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, lobbyists, and politicians have made it possible to maximize their profits, while putting a crushing weight on those who are in need of medical care. It is obvious that the people making laws and decisions regarding health care in America are desperately out of touch with the reality that less fortunate individuals have to face every day.

The number of people below the poverty level in the United States continues to increase under the Bu$h administration. George W. Bush's tax breaks to wealthy individuals and corporations in order to 'stimulate growth' and 'trickle down' to the lower classes has failed miserably, and has been shown to be the bullshit pandering to his wealthy base that we knew it was all along. Government handouts are not the solution since welfare programs have long shown that they are not effective in combatting poverty, as they cause the recipient to become dependent. The only solution is to design a system that helps those who need it, while constantly screening the recipients to make sure that they are making progress. Education and job training are the only way to eliminate the need for the welfare system, and to gaurantee that individuals are not abusing the system.

This brings up the obvious problem of public education in America. The pathetically underfunded, and misdirected 'No Child Left Behind' project that Bu$h initiated has failed to address the most serious issues facing the public school system. Requiring schools to meet some kind of predetermined criteria in order to receive federal funding has caused more children to be left behind than ever before. Many people have combatted the massive problems of overcrowding, unqualified teachers, violent and dangerous environments (due to understaffing and lack of discipline) by homeschooling their children, or shelling out the money for private schools. This administration pretends to place education as one of its highest priorities, but it has been shown to have a more important agenda to attend to.

Even if the glaring problems with the public school system can be rectified, a high school education is a useless thing to have when going into the job market in America. Years ago, it was enough to have a willingness to learn, and to work hard. In the ever changing, and increasingly technical world of today, it is necessary to have higher education in order to even be considered for jobs that will keep you from living below the poverty level. Universities continue to increase their tuition costs to the point where a large number of people are unable to afford to continue their education. Student loans, grants, and scholarships can help ease or delay these costs, but the latter two can be hard to come by, and loans have to be paid back. There are lower cost alternatives to attending universities, however they do not put the graduate on level ground with those graduating from a presitigious university.

Entering the job market, even with a degree, still doesn't gaurantee that a job meeting the requirements for survival (insurance, sufficient pay) will be available. In most cases, starting at the bottom, and working hard is still the only way to get ahead. In many cases, an individual will have to work multiple jobs, or in the case of married couples, both people will have to work in order to allow them to keep from living paycheck to paycheck. With the current financial crisis in America, it is getting harder for companies to provide a living wage and insurance for their employees, and harder for an individual to find a job that offers them security.

It is obvious that the Bu$h administration is not concerned about the crisis that America is facing right now. They deny that there is even a problem, focusing instead on continuing to smear their detractors and catapult their propaganda. After watching Bu$h so boldly admit to performing wiretaps without court approval, admitting that the intelligence they used to make their case to go to war in Iraq was based on lies, and defending those in their administration who are obviously guilty of illegal activity, it is impossible to come away with any other opinion of them. They will continue to wage war on the American people until they are forcibly removed.

Next Time: The War On Drugs & The Prison System

Friday, January 13, 2006

Limited Perception and Comprehension

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

--Albert Einstein

The most limiting factor involving human perception of the universe, is the fact that they have what appears to be a finite existence. Every human is born, lives for an undetermined span of time (though it can sometimes be shortened or lengthened based on the decisions of that individual) and then dies. This tends to color their view of the universe, and leads them to believe that it too must have had a beginning, and therefore, an end.

It is impossible to determine whether or not human beings actually have some part of their conciousness that continues on after death, and may have existed before physical birth. It is interesting to note that while some people belive (based on faith) that they have an 'immortal soul', they continue to have difficulty in comprehending the universe as being infinite. Despite their claims that their 'creator' is infinite, has always been, and will always be, they still believe that there is 'a beginning' in which the creator formed the heavens and the earth, and they believe in 'end times' when judgement will be done on all of mankind.

It is my opinion that all of these concepts are simply the delusions of overactive imaginations, borne out of the inability to accept that there is a very good possibility that when you die you may simply cease to exist. The evidence to the contrary is ALL based in theocratical rhetoric. Based on scientific evidence, the universe is not only infinite, it also contains multiple alternate dimensions. Some scientists will point to events like 'The Big Bang' as the beginning of the universe as we know it, and speculate on the existance of a 'Big Crunch' that will happen after the universe expands to it's full size, and begins to shrink again. This is a plausible explanation for the nature of the way the universe behaves, but it does not place limits on the infinite expanses of the universe, only that it is constantly changing.

The argument of intelligent design is a compelling one. Some people like to have nice, neat, pre-fab explanations given to them so that they don't have to worry about little details (such as their explanation lacking any basis in reality). I do not discredit the idea that there may be some kind of higher intelligence in the universe, I just don't believe that it takes the form of the deities and supernatural forces such as those that the bible portrays. To the believer it sounds ludicrous that order can come out of chaos. They will use the example of it being more likely that dropping a bomb into a junkyard would cause a complete functioning car to form than for life to have formed spontaneously. Unfortunately for the believer, the universe is full of evidence to support this very thing. Too much order causes entropy--you have to have chaos in order for things to continue to exist, grow, and evolve.

The tiny viewing window on time that humans have in their physical lives, even if they take full advantage of the sources of information available to them, is wholely insufficient for them to fully grasp the nature of life and the universe. There are too many unknowns, too many variables, and too many possibilities. It is necessary to continue to expand the reaches of human knowledge, passing on this knowledge from generation to generation, as well as passing on the questions that drive people to continue to learn. Accepting supernatural explanations purely on faith, with little to no actual proof, especially while other much more viable possibilities exist, works directly opposite to growth and learning.

Next Time: Full Blown Crisis Mode

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Music To Soothe The Savage Soul

Men profess to be lovers of music, but for the most part they give no evidence in their opinions and lives that they have heard it.

--Henry David Thoreau

There seem to be two distinct types of people in this world. Those who hear music, and those who do not. There are no words to describe the feelings and transcendence caused by hearing or playing music to someone who cannot hear it. It can be a source of inspiration, it can tear down the walls and bring people together, and it can indeed change the world.

As with most things, however, music can also be used by those with ulterior motives. Digusting and pathetic (albeit successful) attempts by corporate interests harnessing the profit making power of music have caused the music industry to become a vast wasteland of pre-fab garbage to be regurgitated and fed to gleefully willing consumers. Top 40 radio, along with 'Music Television' (mTV), have numbed the senses of these sheep, who will buy whatever rehashed crap is in fashion this week. It can be extremely difficult for independent musicians to create something truly unique, and keep from having it copied ad-naseum.

Religions have also long relied on the power of music to lull their followers into a state of acceptance. Within Christianity, religious services revolve almost entirely around music, whether performed by choirs, recited by the congregation, or as background music. Piano as well as electric and pipe organs are the primary traditional instruments, however some churches have attempted to appeal to younger generations through the use of non-traditional instruments and 'praise bands'. For years, I have been amazed at the way people allow themselves to be entranced by music while at church. It is definitely effective in creating the mood and evoking specific feelings that allow the believer to have a "religious" experience. To the believer, the music is an expression of their faith, and it opens up their heart. To a cynical bystander, it is simply part of an elaborate attempt on the part of the church to provide the believer with their weekly fix of feel-good.

Governments, political movements, and hate groups throughout history have also seen the effectiveness of music in instilling feelings of "patriotism" and to convince their followers that their actions are noble. Dictatorships and Democracies alike have had their share of national songs that supposedly capture the heart and soul of their movement. The truth is that most are carefully written, again, to evoke specific feelings.

Radio and Television advertisements caught on early to the idea of using musical 'jingles' to stick in the heads of unwitting listeners. Popular music, or stupid refrains (hard to differentiate between the two sometimes) are commonly used to enhance the image of an otherwise boring or useless product.

The underlying agendas for all of these groups are very similar, so it isn't too surprising to see the recurring themes regarding the use of music to accomplish their ends. It requires the individual to discern carefully the motives of the people force feeding them information. To the person who truly hears music, it is almost immediately apparent when a song is manufactured, or anything other than 100% honest and legitimate.

As I have said, music can be an incredible source of inspiration, and it can be very life affirming. To the performer, there is no greater feeling than being able to play music, and see the effect it has on people. To the listener, there is a vast amount of all varieties of music to give them endless enjoyment. There are many feelings to be felt, and experiences to have, but make sure that you aren't sacrificing your individuality and independence by falling into the snares that have been placed by those who seek to profit from your gullibility.

Next Time: Limitations--Self Imposed and Otherwise...

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Universe - It's the Anti-Religion

By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning. An irreducibly complex system cannot be produced directly (that is, by continuously improving the initial function, which continues to work by the same mechanism) by slight, successive modifications of a precursor system, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part is by definition nonfunctional. An irreducibly complex biological system, if there is such a thing, would be a powerful challenge to Darwinian evolution. Since natural selection can only choose systems that are already working, then if a biological system cannot be produced gradually it would have to arise as an integrated unit, in one fell swoop, for natural selection to have any thing to act on.

--Michael Behe, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, 1996

The concept of an 'Irreducibly Complex' system is one of the arguments repeatedly presented by Intelligent Design (Creationism) advocates. They claim that since an existing system requires all of the parts that are present in order to function, and that removal of any of these parts would cause the system to fail, that this provides sufficient evidence to determine that the system was created as is, and there is no way that it could have evolved into its current state.

The best example I have found to visualize and discredit this obviously ludicrous statement is to look at an arch. If you remove one section from the arch, it will fall--it requires all pieces to be in place for it to be a functioning arch. It is therefore 'irreducibly complex' and must have been created exactly as it stands, a miracle of architecture.

Of course, we know that scaffolding was involved to support the sections of arch until it was completed, and then being unnecessary, was removed. The narrow minded view of Creationists and those who rely on faith doesn't allow for this kind of reasoning. To them, everything exists in a constant state, without change, exactly as the 'creator' made it. Any opposing viewpoint is met with deluded ranting and attempts at lending credit to their myths and propaganda.

As I have said before, it is of the utmost importance that individuals continue to come to the realization of how little they know. To ignore the naysayers. To continue to learn and create. There will always be attempts to refute the evidence, but this can be good, since it requires those who are determined to learn the truth to keep on honing their skills, testing the limits, and pushing the boundaries.

Next Time: Music And The Human Mind

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Only Choice For Iraq

"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that."

Donald Rumsfeld, Sect. of Defense, Nov. 14, 2002

As we move into 2006, there is only one option for the United States in Iraq today: LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.

No amount of military action is going to change the fact that the Iraqi people do not want the US involved in their country. The puppet government that the Bush administration has set up in Iraq, as well as the so called 'Free Elections' and 'Iraqi Constitution' are no more than pathetic attempts at nation building by a confused, inept, and unethical group of neoconservative think tank wonks.

People are waking up despite the repeated attempts by these idealogues and their braindead followers to discredit the reality that exists in Iraq today: continued military casualties, continued civilian casualties, lack of infrastructure--food and clean water, massive hemmhoraging of cash, inept and dishonest contractors, all allowed and due to the lack of planning, and military strategy of those in power. The reality is, they never planned to leave Iraq after invading. The permanent military bases being built, the lack of any attempt at securing the borders, the deliberate misinformation, bogus intelligence, and obvious disregard for human life have shown the real agenda of Bu$h & Co. They want a permanent state of war to allow the continuation of war profiteering, borrowing money from China at the American taxpayers expense, and massive military spending to gaurantee their contractors large profits, as well as opening up the possibilities of kickbacks, bribes, and other 'fringe benefits'.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfield have proven themselves to be unfit for their positions, and should resign immediately. If they do not resign, they should be forcibly removed. They have managed not only to send Iraq further into Chaos than could have ever been imagined under Saddam Husseins reign of terror, they have also plunged the US into higher defecits than ever before in the two centuries that it has been in existance.

It will require massive amounts of work to restore the United States, and begin work to eliminate the massive defecit that Dubya has been so kind as to wreak on the American people, their children, and their childrens children, all while pretending to have the interests of American citizens in mind. Bush has shown that he does not care about American security, civil rights, constitutional rights, the poor, minorities, and anyone else not contributing massive injections of cash into the right-wing noise machine. He, and his cabal need to be removed before any efforts at restoring the United States can begin.

Bush will never leave Iraq as long as he is president. Even the best scaled withdrawal is seen by him as a defeat. He will never accept his mistake, even after admitting that they based their invasion on faulty intelligence. The region WILL NEVER STABILIZE as long as the US is occupying the Iraq. Pushing the Iraqi's into accepting the puppet government and constitution is only going to cause further damage to an already devastated country. They continue to turn out to vote, believing that they are really in control of the future of their country. They vote because they believe that they can force an end to the violence, but as long as the illegitimate occupation continues, there will be no progress.

Next Time: The Universe--It's The Anti-Religion!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Power of the MooG oPuS 3 Compels You! Posted by Picasa

Freedom Beatings & Spy Vs. Everyone Else

"It's going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective"

--Vice President Dick Cheney (In his first interview after the 9/11 attacks, Sept. 16, 2001)

"The reality is, the set of facts that exist today with al-Qaeda and the Taliban were not necessarily the set of facts that were considered when the Geneva Convention was fashioned."

--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield, (February 2002)

It has come to our attention that many of you are unaware of the necessity for us to get all the information we can about any possible threat to this country. Sometimes it is unavoidable that extreme measures will be taken to gaurantee our safety, and the continuation of our world domination program being waged under the guise of a 'war on terror'.

You shouldn't be surprised that our country condones the use of torture techniques, stress positions, brutal beatings, humiliation, and starvation in it's prisons worldwide, from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib, the US has a long standing position on torturing supposed 'enemies of the republic' and it goes something like 'Yee-haw, let's hook the jumper cables to their nutsacks'. This, of course, flies in the face of reason, since it has been proved long ago that you cannot gaurantee the accuracy of any statements made by someone who is being tortured. It blurs the lines between a brutal dictator like Saddam Hussein, and the supposed 'Hero' George W. Bush.

The only thing that Bu$h & Co. have done to surprise me is to publicly admit to the systematic use of torture in U.S. run prisons. 'We Do Not Torture' is the official stance of the Bush White House. Strange then that they have fought so hard to keep torture in their prisons, and any attempt at limiting the extent to which they can torture is met with massive resistance. It doesn't sound to me like they are against torture--which they will continue, without any doubt. They will also continue to render detainees to other countries that don't have any qualms about brutalizing on command.

Now it has also become necessary for the Bush administration to start gathering as much data on possible 'terrorist' activity as they can in order to prevent future attacks. Unless of course those attacks could be used as leverage for future invasions, or to continue a permanent state of war. ALL U.S. citizens have problems with the government invading their privacy. Even people who shouldn't have anything to worry about get paranoid when it comes to the kinds of 'necessary' illegal activity the Bu$h administration blatantly admitted to.

No matter your political leanings, religious beliefs, or social status, noone wants to have the government snooping around in their private lives. There are laws to protect a U.S. citizens right to privacy. Courts must be involved to decide the legality of anything that might endanger that right. Anyone who breaks the law by taking it upon themselves to circumvent the court in order to perform illegal surveillance needs to be brought to justice.

With the 2006 Election looming, and a veritable cornucopia of indictments, as well articles of impeachment, it's gonna be a fun year for the warpigs. Watch as the cannibilism starts, they'll be singing like jaybirds, and trying to escape with their asses intact. The Rovian Culture of Corruption is about to come to an end. The rampant torture and big brother style espionage is going to stop. Pandering to corporations, religious fundamentalists, and greedy rich bastards will cease. The moneygrubbing liars, thieves, and murderers are going to have some 'splainin to do.

Next Time: The Only Option For Iraq

Intelligent Designification & Creationism

"We have concluded that [Intelligent Design] is not science, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents,"

--U.S. District Judge John Jones

This has been a victory in the war against those who want to force so called 'Intelligent Design' to be taught in our nations classrooms. In a time when our schools are already horribly underfunded, and American children are receiving a substandard education, it would be unwise to feed their ignorance even further. As I have stated previously, Darwins theory of evolution neither claims to be anything other than a theory, nor does it claim to explain the origin of life in the universe, however to offer 'ID' as having equal scientific backing, and to attempt to force it into the required curriculum for science classes is ludicrous. I would not put up an argument if all they had wanted to add was a disclaimer to reinforce the case that evolution is only a theory, but it is obvious that their intent was to try to lend scientific credibility to the concept of 'ID'.

There are a variety of sources that one can use to discredit the proponents of Intelligent Design, although it is generally futile to try to convince someone who bases their decisions on faith, as they can easily explain away centuries of scientific evidence and research with 'God did it'. The author of this site has compiled a great list of the beliefs (and ways to counter them) of those who support the concept of creationism (which is what ID really means). As he points out, not all creationists believe the same things, and it is important not to set up straw men just for the sake of making the case against creationism. In recent years, religious scholars and the faithful have attempted to convince the public that it is possible to use science to prove their beliefs to be more than just beliefs. It is difficult for a scientist to be truly unbiased, however it is necessary in order for any of their research and experimentation to have any basis in reality. It is impossible for someone who closes their eyes and accepts things on faith to have this kind of detachment from their work.

The Scientific Method requires that you do not accept anything that cannot be proven or repeated, and even then to understand that your perceptions and methods might be flawed. All faith based 'science' is doomed from the very beginning, due to the fact that the researcher has already determined what is and isn't true, and they are more than willing to overlook any evidence that doesn't support, or is contrary to their beliefs. Science is not infallible, and does not hold the answers to all of our problems. Those who place all of their hope in science are sure to be let down. It is simply a tool for gaining greater understanding of our universe. On the other hand, it has allowed us to harness the powers of nature, and create technology for communications, space travel, medicine, and other things.

Not unlike bioligical evolution, science and invention have evolved for thousands of years. Nothing happened all at once, each invention led to another--sometimes seemingly unrelated research holds the key to overcoming problems previously considered 'impossible'. Every step of the way there have been naysayers to claim: 'it'll never work', and they are repeatedly proven wrong. There will always be those individuals who dare to push the envelope, to ignore the criticism and to take the steps necessary to see their dreams become reality.

Next Time: Torture For Fun And Profit...