The River Euphrates

Stuck here out of gas... out here on the gaza Strip

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Only Choice For Iraq

"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that."

Donald Rumsfeld, Sect. of Defense, Nov. 14, 2002

As we move into 2006, there is only one option for the United States in Iraq today: LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.

No amount of military action is going to change the fact that the Iraqi people do not want the US involved in their country. The puppet government that the Bush administration has set up in Iraq, as well as the so called 'Free Elections' and 'Iraqi Constitution' are no more than pathetic attempts at nation building by a confused, inept, and unethical group of neoconservative think tank wonks.

People are waking up despite the repeated attempts by these idealogues and their braindead followers to discredit the reality that exists in Iraq today: continued military casualties, continued civilian casualties, lack of infrastructure--food and clean water, massive hemmhoraging of cash, inept and dishonest contractors, all allowed and due to the lack of planning, and military strategy of those in power. The reality is, they never planned to leave Iraq after invading. The permanent military bases being built, the lack of any attempt at securing the borders, the deliberate misinformation, bogus intelligence, and obvious disregard for human life have shown the real agenda of Bu$h & Co. They want a permanent state of war to allow the continuation of war profiteering, borrowing money from China at the American taxpayers expense, and massive military spending to gaurantee their contractors large profits, as well as opening up the possibilities of kickbacks, bribes, and other 'fringe benefits'.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfield have proven themselves to be unfit for their positions, and should resign immediately. If they do not resign, they should be forcibly removed. They have managed not only to send Iraq further into Chaos than could have ever been imagined under Saddam Husseins reign of terror, they have also plunged the US into higher defecits than ever before in the two centuries that it has been in existance.

It will require massive amounts of work to restore the United States, and begin work to eliminate the massive defecit that Dubya has been so kind as to wreak on the American people, their children, and their childrens children, all while pretending to have the interests of American citizens in mind. Bush has shown that he does not care about American security, civil rights, constitutional rights, the poor, minorities, and anyone else not contributing massive injections of cash into the right-wing noise machine. He, and his cabal need to be removed before any efforts at restoring the United States can begin.

Bush will never leave Iraq as long as he is president. Even the best scaled withdrawal is seen by him as a defeat. He will never accept his mistake, even after admitting that they based their invasion on faulty intelligence. The region WILL NEVER STABILIZE as long as the US is occupying the Iraq. Pushing the Iraqi's into accepting the puppet government and constitution is only going to cause further damage to an already devastated country. They continue to turn out to vote, believing that they are really in control of the future of their country. They vote because they believe that they can force an end to the violence, but as long as the illegitimate occupation continues, there will be no progress.

Next Time: The Universe--It's The Anti-Religion!


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