The River Euphrates

Stuck here out of gas... out here on the gaza Strip

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Freedom Beatings & Spy Vs. Everyone Else

"It's going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective"

--Vice President Dick Cheney (In his first interview after the 9/11 attacks, Sept. 16, 2001)

"The reality is, the set of facts that exist today with al-Qaeda and the Taliban were not necessarily the set of facts that were considered when the Geneva Convention was fashioned."

--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield, (February 2002)

It has come to our attention that many of you are unaware of the necessity for us to get all the information we can about any possible threat to this country. Sometimes it is unavoidable that extreme measures will be taken to gaurantee our safety, and the continuation of our world domination program being waged under the guise of a 'war on terror'.

You shouldn't be surprised that our country condones the use of torture techniques, stress positions, brutal beatings, humiliation, and starvation in it's prisons worldwide, from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib, the US has a long standing position on torturing supposed 'enemies of the republic' and it goes something like 'Yee-haw, let's hook the jumper cables to their nutsacks'. This, of course, flies in the face of reason, since it has been proved long ago that you cannot gaurantee the accuracy of any statements made by someone who is being tortured. It blurs the lines between a brutal dictator like Saddam Hussein, and the supposed 'Hero' George W. Bush.

The only thing that Bu$h & Co. have done to surprise me is to publicly admit to the systematic use of torture in U.S. run prisons. 'We Do Not Torture' is the official stance of the Bush White House. Strange then that they have fought so hard to keep torture in their prisons, and any attempt at limiting the extent to which they can torture is met with massive resistance. It doesn't sound to me like they are against torture--which they will continue, without any doubt. They will also continue to render detainees to other countries that don't have any qualms about brutalizing on command.

Now it has also become necessary for the Bush administration to start gathering as much data on possible 'terrorist' activity as they can in order to prevent future attacks. Unless of course those attacks could be used as leverage for future invasions, or to continue a permanent state of war. ALL U.S. citizens have problems with the government invading their privacy. Even people who shouldn't have anything to worry about get paranoid when it comes to the kinds of 'necessary' illegal activity the Bu$h administration blatantly admitted to.

No matter your political leanings, religious beliefs, or social status, noone wants to have the government snooping around in their private lives. There are laws to protect a U.S. citizens right to privacy. Courts must be involved to decide the legality of anything that might endanger that right. Anyone who breaks the law by taking it upon themselves to circumvent the court in order to perform illegal surveillance needs to be brought to justice.

With the 2006 Election looming, and a veritable cornucopia of indictments, as well articles of impeachment, it's gonna be a fun year for the warpigs. Watch as the cannibilism starts, they'll be singing like jaybirds, and trying to escape with their asses intact. The Rovian Culture of Corruption is about to come to an end. The rampant torture and big brother style espionage is going to stop. Pandering to corporations, religious fundamentalists, and greedy rich bastards will cease. The moneygrubbing liars, thieves, and murderers are going to have some 'splainin to do.

Next Time: The Only Option For Iraq


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