Long Time No Blog
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
-Albert Einstein
Sorry for the year long break (if anyone else besides me is actually reading this).
I got busy, work was crazy, etc. - but I'm back in action now.
It's been a wild year for the whole world - Dubya continues to ignore reality, Dems took back control of everything except the White House (coming in '08) and the Supreme Court (fully stacked).
The surge is a pathetic attempt to put a bandaid on a severed artery. Either we need sufficient troops to stabilize the region (if that is even possible), or we need to get the fuck out - now. If this is really the battle for the future of western civilization as these dickheads would have you believe, then they have been abject failures at every step of the way - almost seemingly by choice.
I don't really have a favorite in the '08 Presidential elections yet. Wes Clark I have liked for a while, Joe Biden is decent, I wouldn't mind Obama - though I have serious doubts that this cracker-ass nation is ready for a black president. He would have to spend twice as much on security as any previous president (someone killed kennedy - I can gaurantee some redneck racist asshole (if not dozens of them) would probably give it a shot. Hillary can go fuck herself. I've never been able to really stand her, and I was never really a Bill Clinton fan myself (though after six - seven years of the Dub-meister - either one of them would be fucking awesome right about now though I would still have trouble pushing Hillary's button in the voting booth.
Speaking of which - there better not be any more of this Diebold bullshit. I demand a certifiable vote record with ZERO chance for fucking with it. Anyone who doesn't is a complete and utter dumbass - regardless of your party affiliation (or hopeful lack thereof) you should want to see results that can be recounted, crosschecked, and verified as many times and by whoever the fuck might want to do it. Anyone still using Diebolds equipment should be rounded up and fucking shot. Those people have proven themselves unworthy of the responsibility of providing equipment for the American people to perform such an important task as voting for their leaders. They should have to buy every single machine back - anyone who recommended these machines, or profited in any way from the sales of these machines should be put into a fucking cell.
Until next time - I'll have a bunch more catching up to do...
For now - just remember - this Iraq shit is about to have to come to a screeching halt. It is up to the American people to not only come up with a viable exit strategy that isn't 'cutting and running' but something that has an actual chance of leaving the Iraqi people in control of their own country, and not just a bunch of radical Islamist psychopaths. I want to see every single Bush administration official including Dubya himself, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, Condoleeza Rice, and those PNAC cocksuckers like Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Kristol, and the rest of them have all of their records, e-mails, and shit subpoena'd, and get them all lined up in front of a little 'inquiry' panel. It's time for them to answer some questions - and the second they start in on their rhetoric, slap them down like the pieces of shit they are.
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