The River Euphrates

Stuck here out of gas... out here on the gaza Strip

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Choose Your Party Wisely

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


I was not actively involved in political discussion for the most part, up until the 2000 election. I didn't actually register to vote until the 2004 election, and when the registration asked for my party affiliation I immediately chose 'Independent' due to my long held belief that neither the Democrats or the Republicans deserved my allegiance. I will most likely continue to remain registered as an Independent barring some major changes within these parties. I tend to lean towards the left on most political issues, and I am proud to say that I voted for John Kerry in the 2004 election, and would do so again today if given the chance.

I was not an Al Gore supporter, mainly due to his wife's work with the PMRC, and at the time I saw Al Gore as just being a continuation of Bill Clinton, (mostly through the hard work of a Republican run congress, as well as the media and their audiences unhealthy obsession with his cock). Dubya on the other hand immediately struck me as the typical rich frat-daddy, with his fake Texas swagger--despite being born, raised, and 'edumacated' in the North.

When Dubya first took office, I thought that there might be a chance that at least he would be bringing some intelligent people with him. Unfortunately, it turned out that all he brought was crony sycophants, PNAC agenda driven think-tank wonks, and subservient yes-men from his fathers administration. With control of the white house, the congress, and house of representatives, the Dubya administration would have the ability to get a lot of things done without the cock-blocking that Clinton faced at every turn. They definitely seized on this opportunity, but instead of bringing forth any initiatives that would solve the multitude of problems facing this country, Dubya--and others in his administration used it to enact their wet dreams of attacking Iraq, using 9/11 as the 'catalyzing event' that they needed to go to war.

It is unthinkable to me that anyone can still support the Dubya administration, with their boldface lies, blatant misinformation, and transparent agenda. I understand that staunch Republicans don't want to flip to 'the other side' due to their belief that Liberals have hijacked the Democratic party. What they seem completely oblivious to, is that their own party has been hijacked by Zionists, the PNAC, the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as a wide variety of lobbying groups, fundamentalist assholes, and corporate criminals.

One of my friends recently told me why he chose to be a Democrat. His main reason (among others) is that he was raised in a single-parent household, and that without social programs initiated by Democrats, his mother would not have been able to afford to make ends meet. His success later in life is mostly attributable to his own hard work, combined with federal student loans (another Democratic initiative) through which he was able to fund his education, which has allowed him to make a decent living for himself and his family. The attempts by Republicans to gut these social programs will affect more than those 'loafers' on welfare, which there are doubtless many of, but also those who the programs were intended to help.

It is obvious that the playing field is far from level, and to embrace the ideal that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in America is not only naive, it is patently ignorant. There are millions of Americans who work hard their entire lives, and because of their social status or background, never reach the point where they are financially independent, or even secure. Dick Cheney gave a speech yesterday where he chastised Americans for not saving enough money--where to begin with the hypocrisy of a rich, powerful asshole telling average Americans that they don't save enough money?

In short, choosing a party, or choosing not to choose a party should be a decision that every individual takes seriously. I plan to vote a straight Democratic ticket in the 2006 midterm elections, and I would urge every American who is tired of watching Dubya & Co. make a mockery of this great country to do the same. With hard work, and a little luck, we might be able to flip on our TV's this fall and see Dubya, Cheney, Rummy, Condi, Rove, and the rest of these useless fucktards frogmarched out of the White House in shackles.

Next Time: Building a Religion


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